Where is Great Value Water Bottled

Great Value Water is a store brand brand bottled water sold exclusively at Walmart stores. It offers bottled water at an affordable price point compared to name brand bottled waters. But where does this inexpensive bottled water come from? Here’s a deep dive into the sourcing, bottling, and quality of Great Value bottled water.

Where is Great Value Water Bottled
Where is Great Value Water Bottled

Where is Great Value Water Bottled?

Great Value bottled water is bottled in a variety of locations throughout the United States. The specific location where your Great Value bottled water is bottled will depend on the type of water and the size of the bottle.

For example, Great Value purified water is bottled in Ontario, Canada, by Niagara Bottling. Great Value distilled water is bottled in Byram, Mississippi, by Premium Waters, Inc., And Great Value spring water is bottled in various locations throughout the United States, depending on the source of the spring water.

How is Great Value Water Bottled?

Great Value bottled water is bottled by strict safety and quality standards. The water is first filtered and purified to remove any impurities. Then, the water is bottled and sealed in sterile containers.

Types of Great Value Water

Great Value bottled water is available in a variety of types, including:

☑️ Purified water

☑️ Distilled water

☑️ Spring water

☑️ Sparkling water

☑️ Flavored water

Sizes of Great Value Water Bottles

Great Value bottled water is available in a variety of sizes, including:

☑️ 16.9 fluid ounces

☑️ 24 fluid ounces

☑️ 1 gallon

☑️ 2.5 gallons

☑️ 3 gallons

Where to Buy Great Value Water

Great Value bottled water is available for purchase at Walmart stores nationwide. It is also available for purchase online at Walmart.com.

Where is Great Value Water Sourced From?

So where does the water inside Great Value water bottles actually come from?

The source of the water can vary depending on the production location. Some of the major sources include:

☑️ Municipal water supplies

☑️ Natural springs

☑️ Groundwater aquifers

According to Walmart, the water used in Great Value bottled water goes through a purification process including reverse osmosis filtration. This removes impurities, minerals, and chemicals from the original municipal or natural water source.

Adding back some minerals for taste after filtration results in purified water ready for bottling under the Great Value brand label.

Main Bottling Facilities

Where is Great Value Water Bottled

While the water sources can vary, Great Value contracts with major beverage manufacturers to bottle the water. Here are some of the main bottling facilities:

Niagara Bottling, California – This family-owned bottling company produces various store brands along with its own Niagara purified drinking water. The water it sources comes from municipal supplies in California.

BlueTriton Brands, Michigan – Previously known as Nestle/Ice Mountain, this company bottles various private label waters at its Michigan and Pennsylvania plants. The water comes from natural springs as well as municipal sources.

Independent Beverages Group, Pennsylvania – This co-packing facility bottles store brand waters including Great Value sourced from Pennsylvania municipal waters.

American Valley Packaging, California – Located in Sacramento, this facility bottles various store brands sourced from municipal water supplies.

AdvancePierre Foods, Oklahoma – Great Value water bottles are filled at this Oklahoma co-packing site, sourcing water locally.

Quality Standards

All bottled water sold in the United States, including Great Value store brand water, must follow FDA bottled water regulations. This includes testing for contaminants and maintaining source water quality.

Walmart has said Great Value water is continually tested at each production facility. Over 200 quality checks take place during the bottling process alone.

Environmental Impact

One concern with bottled water in general is the plastic waste it generates. Walmart has taken steps to improve the environmental impact of Great Value water bottles.

For example, Walmart pledged to offer Great Value water bottles made from 100% recycled plastic by 2022. It also offers recyclable bottles and encourages shoppers to reuse bottles to cut down on waste.

Still, plastic waste remains an issue facing all manufacturers of bottled water, including producers of Great Value store brand.

Cost Savings vs. Name Brands

The low price point of Great Value water compared to national brands remains its biggest selling point. You can often find 1 liter Great Value water bottles on sale for as low as $0.60 each.

Comparable spring or purified bottled waters from Dasani, Aquafina, or Poland Spring generally retail for $1-2 per liter bottle.

So buying store brand allows Walmart shoppers to save 50% or more compared to name brands. Despite the lower cost, the overall water quality remains similar between Great Value and other major bottled water companies.

Is Great Value Water Good Quality?

Given its low price point, some consumers may wonder – is Great Value water a good option compared to higher priced bottled water brands?

According to multiple independent tests, Great Value water meets or exceeds purity standards for bottled water. It goes through similar filtration and treatment steps as more expensive bottled water brands.

Of course personal preference plays a role as well. Some may prefer the taste of specific spring water brands. But overall, Great Value offers an affordable purified bottled water option without sacrificing quality.

Great Value vs Store Brands at Other Retailers

Every major retail chain offers their own store brand version of bottled water as an alternative to higher priced national brands:

Walmart – Great Value Water
Target – Market Pantry Water
Costco – Kirkland Signature Water
Whole Foods – 365 Everyday Value Water

The level of quality and sourcing can vary slightly between retailers. But in general, buying store brand water can offer big savings over 50-100% compared to name brands.

Is Great Value Water As Good As Dasani or Aquafina?

Dasani and Aquafina are the two most popular bottled water name brands in terms of sales. But how does the quality of Great Value water compare?

Independent testing has found Great Value water to be on par with these brands in terms of purity and contaminant levels. In blind taste tests, most consumers can’t discern major taste differences between Great Value and more expensive options.

Of course, personal preferences may vary between consumers when it comes to taste. Some drinkers may prefer the mouthfeel or mineral composition of specific spring water brands.

But for a standard purified drinking water, Great Value offers virtually the same quality as higher cost name brands – at a significantly lower price point.

Should You Drink Great Value Water?

Where is Great Value Water Bottled
Should You Drink Great Value Water?

Great Value water makes for an affordable, safe everyday drinking water option. If you shop at Walmart frequently, it can offer big savings over national bottled water brands.

Some of the reasons to consider giving Great Value water a try include:

Price – At around $0.60-$0.80 per liter, it’s 50%+ cheaper than name brands

Quality – Meets all FDA standards and purity guidelines

Convenience – Readily available at Walmart stores nationwide

Variety – Comes in spring, purified, flavored, and specialty waters

Compared to tap water, the convenience of grabbing a bottled water may be worth it for some consumers – especially given the low prices of Great Value store brand.

Of course, concerns over plastic waste remain when choosing any bottled water brand. Using reusable bottles and recycling properly helps reduce the environmental impact.

But for an affordable purified bottled water option, Great Value offers suitable quality at a very wallet-friendly price point. It provides an opportunity to save money at the checkout counter over pricier name brands.


Where does Walmart get the water for Great Value brand?

Great Value water comes from municipal water supplies, natural aquifers and springs. The sources vary based on the bottling location. Walmart works with major bottling companies located in states like California, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Oklahoma to source and purify the water.

Is Great Value water spring water?

Most Great Value water is purified drinking water, meaning it comes from a municipal source, then goes through reverse osmosis and filtration. However, Walmart does offer some Great Value spring water options sourced directly from natural springs instead of public water supplies.

What company makes Great Value water for Walmart?

Major bottling companies that manufacture Great Value water include Niagara Bottling, BlueTriton Brands, American Valley Packaging, Independent Beverages Group, and Pierre Foods. Walmart contracts with these companies to source, purify, and bottle Great Value store brand water.

Where is Great Value water bottled?

The main bottling facilities for Great Value store brand water are located in states like California, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, and Ohio. The specific natural springs and municipal tap water sources can vary by region.

Is Great Value bottled water safe to drink?

Yes, Great Value water meets all FDA standards and regulations for bottled water quality and safety. Independent lab tests show Great Value water meets or exceeds purity guidelines. Walmart also states the water undergoes over 200 quality checks during the bottling process.


Great Value offers an affordable bottled water option for Walmart shoppers looking to save money. It provides purified drinking water sourced from various springs and municipal taps around the country.

Major bottling facilities in states like California, Michigan, and Pennsylvania bottle Great Value water for Walmart. Despite the low cost, it follows all bottled water regulations and quality control steps.

For shoppers looking for an everyday purified water at a value price, Great Value presents a suitable option. It provides the convenience of bottled water starting at just $0.60 per liter – half the typical price of national brands.

While plastic waste remains a concern, Walmart has made efforts to use recycled bottles and encourage recycling. Overall, Great Value water gives shoppers an opportunity to spend less on purified drinking water without sacrificing quality or safety.

Next time you shop at Walmart, consider bypassing the pricier name brands and trying out Great Value bottled water for quality water at an affordable price point.

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