Can You Store Gasoline In A Water Bottle? Quick Guide

Gasoline is a fuel that most of us need for our machines and cars. When gas prices rise or shortages occur, some people may be tempted to stockpile gasoline in unsafe containers like water bottles. Unfortunately, this dangerous practice should be avoided at all costs.

In this article, we’ll cover why you should never store gasoline in a water bottle, the hazards involved, and safe storage alternatives.

Can You Store Gasoline In A Water Bottle?
Can You Store Gasoline In A Water Bottle?

Can You Store Gasoline In A Water Bottle?

No, you should not store gasoline in a water bottle. Water bottles are not designed to hold gasoline and may leak, melt, or explode. Gasoline is a flammable liquid and should only be stored in approved containers.

It’s a common misconception that gasoline can be stored in a water bottle for a short period. However, this is a dangerous and potentially deadly practice that should be avoided at all costs. Water bottles are not designed to hold flammable liquids, and storing gasoline in one can lead to a number of serious hazards.

Why You Should Never Store Gas in a Water Bottle

Water bottles are not designed to withstand the pressure of gasoline vapors, and they can easily crack or rupture, causing gasoline to leak or spill. This can lead to fires, explosions, and environmental contamination.

Gasoline releases highly flammable fumes and vapors, which can easily ignite if they come into contact with a spark or flame. These fumes can also be harmful if inhaled, causing dizziness, headaches, and even lung damage.

Gasoline can dissolve the plastic material used in water bottles, causing them to melt or deform. This can lead to leaks and spills, and it can also make it difficult to handle the container safely.

Water bottles are often mistaken for drinking containers, and there have been cases of people accidentally ingesting gasoline that was stored in a water bottle. This can lead to serious health problems, including poisoning and death.

Safe Storage of Gasoline

Gasoline must be stored only in permitted containers built especially for flammable liquids. These containers are typically made of metal or high-density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic, and they have features such as:

Tight-fitting lids: These lids prevent gasoline vapors from escaping and help to prevent spills.

Safety vents: These vents allow air to enter the container as gasoline is used, preventing a vacuum from forming and the container from collapsing.

Flash point markings: These markings indicate the temperature at which gasoline vapors can ignite, helping to ensure that the container is stored safely.

Signs of an Unsafe Container

If you see gasoline stored in any of the following, it represents a major hazard:

❌ Standard disposable water bottles or soda bottles

❌ Old milk jugs, laundry detergent jugs, or household containers

❌ Metal or plastic food containers like pickle jars or food tins

❌ Non-fuel rated plastic motor oil bottles or other chemical containers

❌ Any glass container

If gasoline is stored improperly, address it immediately before a disaster occurs. Alert the property owner or management. Have the fuel transferred safely to approved containers.

What to Do if You Spill Gasoline

Can You Store Gasoline In A Water Bottle? No
Can You Store Gasoline In A Water Bottle? No

Eliminate sources of ignition

The first step is to eliminate any sources of ignition, such as open flames, sparks, or electrical equipment. This includes turning off any nearby engines or machinery.

Contain the spill

Once you have eliminated sources of ignition, you need to contain the spill to prevent it from spreading. Use absorbent materials, such as sand, kitty litter, or sawdust, to soak up the gasoline. Avoid using water, as this will only spread the gasoline and make it more flammable.

Ventilate the area

Gasoline vapors are heavier than air, so they will settle in low areas. Open doors and windows to ventilate the area and allow the vapors to escape.

Dispose of contaminated materials

Once the gasoline has been absorbed, carefully dispose of the contaminated materials in a safe manner. Do not put them in the trash, as this could pose a fire hazard.

Clean up the area

Once the spill has been contained and the contaminated materials have been disposed of, you need to clean up the area. Use a mild detergent and water to wash the area where the spill occurred. Be sure to rinse the area thoroughly to remove any remaining gasoline residue.

Seek medical attention

If you have any skin or eye contact with gasoline, immediately flush the affected area with water for at least 15 minutes. If you have inhaled gasoline fumes, seek medical attention immediately.

Is it Ever Okay to Store Gas in a Bottle?

The only case where gasoline storage in any bottle is appropriate is for specially designed fuel bottles for small engines and recreation:

  • Small metal or plastic 1-2 quart bottles designed specifically by engine manufacturers for engine fuel mixing.
  • Always follow all instructions provided and store/handle extremely carefully.

Aside from this sole exception, gas should never be stored loosely in a water bottle or common container. The risks overwhelmingly outweigh any perceived benefit. Investing in proper storage and handling is much wiser.


Why is gasoline dangerous?

Gasoline gives off flammable vapor that can ignite violently. It also contains toxic chemicals that can harm health and the environment.

Are plastic gas cans safe?

Yes, provided they are specially designed for gasoline with vapor sealing lids, flame arrestors, and other safety features. Generic plastic bottles are never safe.

How much gas should be stored at home?

No more than 30 gallons is recommended for residential storage, kept in a secure outdoor shed. Only what is reasonably needed for use.

What’s the safest way to store gasoline?

Portable gas containers designed explicitly for fuel, kept sealed and vented in a cool area away from any spark or flame. Rotate stock to keep fresh.

What should you do after a gasoline spill?

Eliminate ignition sources, absorb and contain the spill with proper materials, ventilate the area, dispose of contaminated items safely, and report the incident.

Can you use old food containers to store gas?

Absolutely not. Materials like glass and plastic food containers have no vapor barrier and present extreme hazards.

How long can gas stay in a gas can?

3-6 months maximum. Gasoline evaporates and goes stale over time, causing engine problems.

What’s the penalty for unsafe gasoline storage?

It depends on the jurisdiction, but fines up to $10,000 per day or more are possible, along with liability for environmental damages.


Gasoline stored in a wrong container, such as a water bottle, might have dangerous consequences. The severe fire, health, environmental, and legal hazards make this an incredibly foolish move with no justification. Follow these rules to safely handle gasoline:

☑️ Never store gasoline in any non-approved container, especially water bottles.

☑️ Utilize proper gas cans or portable tanks designed specifically for fuel.

☑️ Handle gasoline with extreme care away from any ignition source.

☑️ Clean up spills quickly and properly.

☑️ Invest in safe storage equipment appropriate for your needs.

Following basic safety practices when using gasoline prevents accidents. Gasoline is a valuable fuel, but also presents real risks requiring vigilance. With the right awareness and precautions, it can be managed securely by anyone needing it for vehicles or equipment.

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