How Many Bottles of Water is 2l?

How much water should we drink? And how can we track our water intake? Understanding water bottle sizes like 2L makes it easier to meet daily hydration goals.

How Many Bottles of Water is 2l? A 2 liter bottle is equal to 67.6 ounces of water.
How Many Bottles of Water is 2l?

Overview of 2L Water Bottle Sizes

A 2 liter bottle is equal to 67.6 ounces of water. This is because 1 liter is equal to 33.8 ounces. So 2 liters would be 2 x 33.8 ounces, which equals 67.6 ounces or approximately 68 ounces. Knowing this measurement helps determine how many smaller bottles add up to 2 liters.

The Standard Water Bottle Sizes

Here are some of the most common sizes for single-serve bottled water and how many of each comprise 2 liters:

  • 12 oz bottle – A 12 ounce bottle is the size of a regular disposable water bottle. At this size, it would take 16 bottles to make 2 liters.
  • 16.9 oz bottle – This is the typical size for a standard single-serve bottled water. With bottles at this size, it would take 12 bottles to equal 2 liters.
  • 20 oz bottle – The 20 ounce water bottle is a bit larger than the 16.9 oz size. For this size, 10 bottles would contain 2 liters.
  • 24 oz bottle – 24 ounces is a large single-serve bottle. With this size, it would take 8 bottles to make 2 liters.
  • 32 oz bottle – At 32 ounces, these bottles are extra large. Only 6 of these 32 oz bottles would be needed to equal 2 liters.
  • 1 liter bottle – As the name states, these bottles contain 1 liter of water. Therefore, 2 of these bottles would be equivalent to 2 liters.

So in summary, the number of smaller individual bottles it takes to make 2 liters ranges from:

16 bottles of 12 oz size

12 bottles of 16.9 oz size

10 bottles of 20 oz size

8 bottles of 24 oz size

6 bottles of 32 oz size

2 bottles of 1 liter size

This gives a clear picture of how many bottles at each standard size add up to 2 liters of water. When buying individual bottles, this information can help determine how many to purchase based on the size.

Facts About 2 Liters of Water

Here are some additional facts about 2 liters of water:

1. 2 liters is the recommended total daily water intake for women. For men, it’s 3 liters per day.

2. Drinking 2 liters of water a day can help with weight loss. Water promotes feelings of hunger and enhances metabolism.

3. Replacing high calorie beverages with 2 liters of water per day can lead to average weight loss of 2-3 pounds over a 12 week period.

4. Drinking 2 liters of water daily helps skin stay hydrated and less prone to wrinkles. It assists the skin in appearing more supple and youthful.

5. Consuming 2 liters of water a day aids digestion and prevents constipation. It also helps the kidneys to work properly.

6. When exercising, 2 liters of water helps replace fluids lost through sweat. This prevents dehydration and overheating.

7. The 2 liters/day recommendation applies to healthy adults living in temperate climates. Those who exercise vigorously or live in hotter environments may need more.

8. Pregnant and breastfeeding women have increased fluid needs and should consume 2.3 liters per day on average.

So drinking 2 liters of water daily provides a wide array of health benefits and meets the basic hydration needs of most healthy adults. Following general fluid intake recommendations and staying well hydrated is key for overall wellbeing.

Pros and Cons of Drinking 2 Liters of Water Daily

✅ Improves energy levels and fights fatigue❌ Need for frequent bathroom breaks
✅ Aids in losing weight and boosting metabolism❌ Potential disruption of sleep due to nighttime urination
✅ Keeps skin looking youthful and wrinkle-free❌ Carrying water bottle can be inconvenient
✅ Assists with digestion and prevents constipation
✅ Allows kidneys to function properly
✅ Regulates body temperature
✅ Reduces risk of urinary tract infections
✅ Detoxifies the body and flushes toxins

In most cases, the benefits of drinking 2 liters of water per day far outweigh any cons. Drinking enough water is vital to health and one of the simplest daily habits for wellness. As with any recommendation, individual factors should always be considered.


Drinking 2 liters of water daily provides immense health benefits and meets the basic hydration needs of most healthy adults. This amount may come from water itself or other beverage sources. When it comes to bottled water, 2 liters is equal to 67.6 ounces. The number of smaller bottles making up this amount depends on their size, ranging from 16 bottles of 12 oz size down to just 2 bottles of 1 liter size.

Consuming adequate water is crucial for energy, weight management, kidney function, physical performance and more. While individual needs vary, using the standard 2 liter per day recommendation as a baseline to follow is an easy step toward better health for most people. Forming the simple habit of staying well hydrated each day with water as the beverage of choice is one of the most rewarding and effective things you can do for your body.


How many 16.9 oz water bottles are in 2 liters?

12 bottles of 16.9 oz size make up 2 liters.

If I drink 2 liters of water a day, how often will I need to urinate?

Frequency of urination depends on individual factors, but plan to urinate about 6-7 times in a 24 hour period when drinking 2 liters.

Do I need to drink all 2 liters of water from bottles, or can some come from food and other beverages?

Water from all sources counts for your daily fluid intake needs. The 2 liters per day can come from bottled water, tap water, juices, milk, tea, coffee, fruits and vegetables.

Do children need to drink 2 liters of water as well?

No, 2 liters is the recommendation for average daily intake for healthy adults. Children will need smaller amounts based on their age, size and activity levels. Consult your pediatrician for child fluid intake guidelines.

If I exercise a lot, do I need to drink more than 2 liters a day?

Yes, people engaging in vigorous activity, athletes and those in hot climates may need to consume more than 2 liters of water daily to replenish fluids lost through sweat.

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